Wednesday, July 1, 2020

About Us: Share the Road Delmarva

"Share the Road Delmarva" began as a mission/goal of advocating awareness of others on our roadways. The idea that everyone is out there and yet we so often fail to notice particular types of vehicles or travelers just boggles my mind - not that I'm the best driver around, certainly - but I've noticed we tend to be in such a great rush these days that perhaps we just....overlook things.

What IF we made a conscious effort to look, notice and practice courteous habits while out there? Might we wind up arriving more carefully while taking a bit of the responsibility? Whether on a bicycle, driving a truck, vacationers heading to the beach or local residents riding a motorcycle - we invite you to join us in making it a priority to "Share the Road". And while our particular focus is on the place where we live called the Delmarva Peninsula, the message of being aware to help save lives is the same everywhere.

Here are a couple of links to previous posts. Our social channels are listed at the bottom of this page and we encourage you to check them out and like, follow or give us a share! The idea of watching out for one another and making better daily choices COULD just become a thing, you know.......let's make it happen.

Thanks for checking out our new blog. We wish you safe travels and 
hope to connect with you down the road!

"Road safety and awareness for all travelers"
Help us create a better Delmarva by respecting our roads,
Neighbors and community."Alert Eyes Save Lives"